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This revised and expanded bestseller includes a new chapter on putting, a new appendix on the fundamental physics covered in the book, increased coverage of modern club design, and an updated reference section. As in the previous book, most of the mathematics is relegated to a technical appendix. The first edition of this book was enthusiastically received by the both the science press in Physics Today, IEEE Spectrum, and Nature and the golf world in American Golf Pro and Golf Week.This revised and expanded bestseller includes a new chapter on putting, a new appendix on the fundamental physics covered in the book, increased coverage of modern club design, and an updated reference section. As in the previous book, most of the mathematics is relegated to a technical appendix. The first edition of this book was enthusiastically received by the both the science press in Physics Today, IEEE Spectrum, and Nature and the golf world in American Golf Pro and Golf Week.. CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER LIVRE