Free Rail Tales from Around Europe from a to Ebook

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Are you relaxed and comfortable? Then you're ready to embark on a fascinating train tour around the continent of Europe. You determine the pace and the destination. The author brings life to the adventure through a wealth of stories and humorous anecdotes. This he derived from his 30 years of experience of European travel. Rod will take you on a tour of the various cities and countries, linked by the rail network, demonstrating the culture, the way of life, and the principal attractions of each location. Let him handle the language issues, the currency exchange, the food and the tickets; sit back in your seat and become part of Europe. This is an experience that can't be found in a guidebook. It's food for your imagination. Your mind will create images better than any photograph. To stop the train, just close the book. Open it again and choose your destination. The vivid descriptions of the operation and logistics of the railway will add to your experience. From clearing a moose off the line in Lappland,to negotiating for a sleeper in Sofia, it's gems like these which enrich the journey. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE